For 3 days now I've tried to write this post, and every morning I am interrupted by these tiny humans who call me Mom. They need so much - I find it extremely rude. They're like, mom can I have my vitamins and some breakfast and some milk - NO not in that cup - and WAIT I can't find my vitamin can I have another and I have poop in my diaper and I'm going to touch it and I'm coooold and need a blanket and so on and so forth. Rude, right? I'M TRYING TO WRITE A BLOG POST HERE.
So today I woke up early to tell you about this roasted cauliflower that is finished with a nutty, brown butter, toasted pine nuts and zesty lime juice. It's worth waking up early for and it's definitely worth making! The original recipe called for pumpkin seeds, which I didn't have, so I used pine nuts and loved it. I also added some lime zest before serving. Cauliflower is my JAM, so I'm always excited to find a new way to prepare it (more favs here, here and here).
Now if you'll excuse me, somebody just said mom 77 times in a row so I must go.
Recipe here.
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