Friday, 1 January 2016

No Croutons Required - Call for Submissions for the January Edition

I am hosting the January edition of No Croutons Required, a monthly event alternately hosted by my good friend Jacqueline and myself. The focus is always vegetarian soups and salads. It is supposed to get cold here in the Northern hemisphere, so I except we will be seeing more soups this month. As always, we accept submissions across the globe, so we shall see. We always appreciate submissions from fellow bloggers.

It is easy to participate. The few rules are only one submission per blogger and it must be vegetarian. Showcase your recipe on your blog and please link back to this announcement, Lisa's Kitchen and also Jacqueline's blog.

Add your recipe using the linky tool at the bottom of this post by the 28th of this month. The roundup will be posted shortly after the deadline.


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